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Membership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland entails both rights and responsibilities. As a Church member, you share in proclaiming the Gospel through active participation and are entitled to use all the services we offer. Your voice is assured by your right to vote in parish elections and your contribution through church taxes, which support the Church's work.
Every Church member is a member of the parish in which he or she lives. You can check the name of your congregation from the link below by using your home address.
Parishes on the map (in Finnish)The link opens in a new tab (the link opens in a new tab)
All Christians may join us without needing to be baptized again. If you are a member of one of the following churches, you may join us by making a simple declaration:
If you have not been baptized, you can join the Church by completing an adult confirmation preparation program and receiving adult baptism. For more information about adult baptism, please contact the Registrar's services:
If you have previously left the Church but want to rejoin, you can easily do so online.
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