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EvästeetLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä
The Turku Cathedral International Congregation, or just TCIC, how we like to call ourselves, is part of the Turku Cathedral Congregation. It provides church services in English for people of all ages and everyone who wants to come and worship in English. Like they say: "Church is not a building you go to or a meeting you attend. Church is a family you belong to." This is what we think, too.
TCIC is an active congregation. You can follow us on Facebook on The Turku Cathedral International Congregation TCIC.
There are English services in Turku Cathedral, right in the centre of the city, every Sunday at 4pm. We gather in one of the side chapel's of the church, in the cozy Sharpshooter's Chapel, which is located next to the main entrance hall. (Turn left when you enter the church.) All are welcome to the service! The members of the congregation represent a variety of churches and backgrounds. Service usually follows practices of the Church of England. Once in a month we have a Mass of Trust, a mass with Taizé-songs. This service is in both Finnish and English.
Many of the people attending our services are members of the Lutheran Church; some are members of the Anglican church, with which we have special collaboration under the Porvoo Agreement; and others are members of the churches where they have come from, and represent a wide range of different churches in different countries. We invite all baptised Christians to Holy Communion.
During the summer there are no services, but they normally continue in August.
The congregation is active also on other days than Sundays. There can be Bible studies, picnics and other things. You find more information from the event calendar, under this text.
The Lutheran Church in Finland works together with many other churches in the world. Sometimes it's hard to know, if one is allowed e.g. to take part in the Holy Communion or be wed in the church (which is possible in Finland) if one belongs to another church. On these pages you can read some basic information about how things work in accordance with other religious groups.
Click here to go to the page about baptisms and pastoral services
The priest of the congregation is rev Tuomas Vaura. You can contact him
Mobile +358 40 341 7106
Email tuomas.vaura@evl.fi
Mailing address: Turun ja Kaarinan seurakuntayhtymä, Eerikinkatu 3 A, BOX 922, 20101 Turku
The pastors responsible for the work among exchange students and faculty are University Chaplains Mia Pusa and Tiina Hallikainen (University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University and Novia University of Applied Sciences) and University Chaplain and Chaplain of Vocational Education Atte Airaksinen (all Finnish speaking vocational schools and univerisities of applied sciences in Turku).
If you'd like a chance for a private discussion or counselling you can call or email your chaplain and arrange for a meeting.
University Chaplain Mia Pusa
Mobile: +358 40 341 7296
Email: mia.pusa@evl.fi
University Chaplain Tiina Hallikainen
Mobile: +358 40 341 7308
Email: tiina.hallikainen@evl.fi
University Chaplain and Chaplain of Vocational Education Atte Airaksinen
Mobile: +358 40 341 7349
Email: atte.airaksinen@evl.fi